There are different types of materials in PILOT collections. For example: in Cairo, Cimatheque’s collection includes books in various languages covering different facets of film, including production, screenwriting and directing, as well as history and theory. CLUSTER’s library is a focused architecture/urbanism collection, including books, maps, technical reports and periodicals and magazines covering architecture and architectural history. artellewa’s library has a large collection of video and audio cassettes, in addition to digital audio-visual materials and a collection of important books in the fields of culture and art. The Janet Abu-Lughod Library (JAL) in Amman includes books, DVD, periodicals and from the fields of urban sociology, political theory, race, gender and urban politics, migration, globalization, city planning, Islamic cities, and more. The library of the Arab Image Foundation (AIF) in Beirut includes books in a number of languages with a concentration on photography, art history, artist books, monographs, exhibition catalogues and more.